Artist's Statement
I am an inventor, in that I create new things. My media are
various -- words, paint, pixals. At times, I work with made up methods and approaches. I am enthralled with
the idea of applying skills from visual arts as devices within literary work. Sometimes, I create experience,
events, presentations. Because I want my creations to have life in the world, I have learned to present my work
in pleasing ways. I have learned to advocate for my work, to never abandon it and most of all to believe in
my work.
I am concerned about freedom, hope, darkness, compassion,
eros, and transcendence. While these abstract notions interest me, I function, in the day to day world, with
focus and drive. I am pragmatic. I set goals. I draw up plans and I carry them out. I take on
more than time allows, but I carry on and carry through until something comes of it.
My current focus outside of my own work is in collaboration with my adult
sons, Michael and Tyler, who work with photography and video production. We are conceptualizing some documentary
work and expect to begin a search for financing within the year.
I also build "value added" products from the work of other
artists. These include posters, earrings, carvings, and t-shirts. My husband, Rich, figures heavily
in this work, building mounts for scupture and hand crafted wooden boxes. My visual work in collage and acrylic has
been on hold while I finish my Masters of Fine Arts degree in poetry.
I am an inventor, a designer, a poet, writer and, most accurately,
a creative freelancer, who comes up with all kinds of intriguing prospects. Like my husband says, when he
gets a new idea, I don't know where it comes from... I just pull it out of the air.
Sandra Kleven, 1/2/09