This is the workplace and archive of poet and editor, Sandra Kleven. Enter as you would an art studio. Poke around. Find remnants of old projects, as well as the
next big thing.
and essayist, Sandra Kleven, is the editor of Cirque, a literary journal. Her work has been published in journals and anthologies including AQR, Stoneboat, Oklahoma Review, F Magazine and Cold Flashes. It is collected in Defiance Street: Poems and
Other Writing. Several pieces in the collections were nominated for the Push Cart Prize. One
reviewer, noting her appropriation of the great poet, wrote that “Kleven does Roethke better than he ever did.”
Kleven has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Alaska/Anchorage.
Originally, from the state of Washington, Kleven has spent most of the last 30
years working in Alaska’s village communities.

