By Sandy Kleven Illustrated by Linda Lucky
A picture-book for grown-ups and children, based
on a poem by Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī
"Like This" is looking for a publisher. The complete
manuscript will run 32 pages with 16 illustrations. Samples from the manuscript, with illustrations, can be seen on
this page. The complete book proposal can be requested from skleven@ak.net. Scroll down for author and illustrator
bios. Kleven is the author of the top selling child protection storybook, The Right Touch.
When I wonder where all the beauty in this world is hidden, lift your face and say
Right here.
When they don’t like what they read in the news and ask each other how the troubles will ever end,
show them how Kaysee can roll over and say
Like this.
When someone wants to know where we are going and where we will end up, show them the drawing you
made at school today and say
Right here.
If anyone complains about what was lost and what he never had, ask him
to sing with you and say
When they say they have no money give them stones and say
Use this.
anyone is wondering about the end of the world, laugh out loud and say
This is it.
Author bio --
Sandy Kleven’s poetry and other writing has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review and Topic Magazine. She writes a regular article for the Delta Discovery, a rural Alaskan weekly. As a clinical social worker, Kleven has traveled extensively in remote Alaska providing
services to families and children. Kleven is the author of materials intended
to protect children from abuse, including The Right Touch, a prevention story book, which remains in high demand
after ten years in print. Kleven is currently a student in the University of
Alaska, Anchorage, Masters in Fine Arts program. Awards include a Benjamin Franklin
for The Right Touch and a Celebration Foundation award given to support her current work.
Holy Land, a dramatic monolog, based on her experiences in the Alaska bush, was awarded an Honorable Mention
in the Edward Albee Last Frontier Theatre Conference playwriting contest.
Illustrator bio -
Linda Lucky, multi-media artist and teacher left New York six years ago to set up a studio in Anchorage, Alaska.
Since then she has become an active member of the city's creative community.
She serves as a docent at the Anchorage Museum where she leads tours for visiting children and adults. She
is also a member of the International Gallery of Contemporary Art. Lucky has degrees in art education from the
State University of New York. She retired after teaching young people for thirty-one years. Lucky's entry in the, 2007, ArtWorking fundraiser
won a First Place and her show “Lucky Dogs,” at the Anchorage, International Gallery, in 2008, was highly praised.